Growing up, no one ever said or spelled my name right. It took friends and teachers many tries to get it right...
but my all time favorites were Peaches or Peachy. I knew this was going to stay a problem for the rest of my single life, so I learned to deal with it.
Most of the time in classrooms, I ended up going by Miss Melissa. I assumed it was easier to say, although younger children still called me Miss Alyssa. But when it came time for me to start being more official and go by my last name, I knew I was in for it.
The first day of student teaching, we practiced saying my name multiple times as a whole class. The class picked up on it so fast - I was in shock! The first couple of days I had to give a few reminders or corrections, but most of them had it down as far as I noticed.
Then, a few days in, I was talking to one of my amazing students. She came up to me and said, "Ms. Peachy! Can I show you something?" It was so funny! I couldn't be upset that she had my name wrong. Who can be upset at such a precious, innocent child? So I didn't correct her. She still calls me that weeks later.
I kind of like Ms. Peachy though. It's bright and happy like I strive to be. It's easy and fun to say. So for now (and probably forever in this girl's memories), I am Ms. Peachy! Welcome to my adventures! Follow me through student teaching in from Texas to Spain and everything between!
P.S. Helpful hint: spelled Piesche and pronounced Pee-she